Even though you’re growing up, you should never stop having fun.
Music Therapy
Musical Activities for Early Childhood Inclusion
Listening skills
Environmental awareness
Motor response
A small instrument for each group member (Egg shakers, maracas, bells, castanets, etc)live or recorded music, CD player if using recorded music.
Group members sit or stand in a circle and leader distributes instruments.
Explain the rules to the group before beginning.
Play recorded music or sing a familiar song.
While the music is playing, students play their instruments.
Pause the CD or stop singing when the music stops, all instruments must immediately be held above the head, silently, making no sounds at all.
When the group is silent, the music can re-commence.
Allow students to play instruments while they are being passed out. Prep students for activity with “Play Music – Hands UP!” drills.
The first few times through the activity, give students the verbal prompt “Hands UP!” when the music stops. Fade the verbal prompt as the activity progresses