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Music Therapy
Musical Activities for Early Childhood Inclusion
Following directions
One sand block for each participant
Group should be seated in a circle.
The teacher hands out one sand block to each student and instructs them that it’s hard to make music with just one sand block so we are going to make some music together with a friend. The teacher asks students to turn their bodies in the direction of the classmate to their right.
As the sand block makes contact with a partner’s, the teacher models correct movements while beginning to make rhythmic ‘chuga-chuga choo choo’ sounds and then singing the following song to the tune of “Farmer in the Dell”: The train goes up the hill The train goes up the hill Hi Ho away we go The train goes up the hill
The students make contact with their partner’s sand block while slowly raising their arms higher in the sky
The train goes down the hill… (moving in downward motion)
The train it hits a bump (sand block bump up against each other)….
The train goes really fast…(moving sand blocks quickly)
The train runs out of steam… (moving sand block slowly)