A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Music Therapy
Musical Activities for Early Childhood Inclusion
GOAL 10:
Following directions
Leadership skills
Group awareness
Children are seated around in a circle. The teacher explains that it is time to play the name game.
The teacher brings a drum to the circle and begins calling out a student’s name in a rhythmic manner-spending time repeating the first while tapping each syllable on his/her knees “Tim-o-thy, Tim-o-thy…”
Encourage the group to tap and chant along. The teacher models how to play the name on the drum as the group then passes the drum to that student to play their name.
Everyone continues tapping as the drum is passed to the next child in the circle and their name is chanted.
Have the children try tapping the name fast or slow, quiet or loud.
At the end of the activity, have all children gather close around the drum instructing them to ‘rumble together’ and tap their fingertips together faster and faster, until the teacher calls out ‘and… STOP!’ At which the teacher models that everyone should hit the drum on stop’ and immediately put their hands up in the air. This signals the end of the activity.