The group sits in a semi-circle while the teacher arranges each instrument side by side either on the floor or a small table within easy reach.
The teacher models 3-4 different movements and asks the group to imitate.
(e.g.”Can you shake your body like this? Can you stomp your feet like this?”)
The teacher assigns a particular movement with each instrument. (e.g. “Shake your body when you hear the maraca. Stomp your feet when you hear the drum. Clap your hands when you hear the rhythm sticks. Give a friend a high five when you hear the bells.”
The teacher then plays each instrument one at a time and explains that the group must move their body in that particular way when the teacher plays a specific instrument.
The teacher chooses other group members to take turns being the leader.
Switch the leader role : Someone in the group becomes the leader but chooses a movement and the previous leader has to play the instrument associated with that movement.
The leader plays a sequence of 2 or more instruments while the group listens and then has to reply by acting out the movements in the correct sequence.
Have the group come up with various new movements.
Choose 3 – 4 group members to be leaders playing one at a time as the group makes the movements.
Take pictures of the instruments and pair them with the action movement cards provided in order to provide visual cues as needed.