Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before.
Music Therapy
Musical Activities for Early Childhood Inclusion
Social interaction
Motor planning
2 similar percussion instruments (e.g. maracas, tambourines, castanets) CD player and slow re-corded music
The teacher chooses two partners to come up to the front of the class – the remaining participants watch and listen.
Each student is given a maraca or shaker to hold in opposite hands.
Of the partners, one is chosen to be the leader, when the music starts the leader moves the maraca and his or her partner copies the movements as though he or she were a mirror image of the leader.
When the music stops, both partners stand still and are told it is time to switch leaders.
When the music starts again the partners exchange leadership and the new leader begins moving while the other student mirrors the movements.
Allow the partners to choose which instruments they would like to use from the pairs of instrument options available.
One leader can be chosen to stand opposite the whole room and invite everyone to mirror his or her movements.
Use different paces of recorded music – upbeat, lullabies, classical, multi-cultural. etc.