Music Therapy
About Music Therapy

Being different isn’t a bad thing. It means you’re brave enough to be yourself.

Music Therapy


Musical Activities for Early Childhood Inclusion


  • Sharing
  • Turn-taking
  • Listening skills


  • Maraca or shaker or small drum


  1. Group should be seated in a circle. While playing or singing a song, pass the instrument around the group.
  2. When the music stops, whomever has the instrument has an opportunity to play a “solo” with the instrument for 10-25 seconds.
  3. When the music or song resumes, continue to pass the instrument around until everyone has had an opportunity to play a solo.


  • Experiment with different speeds of the passing song. Does it change the way the group passes the instrument?
  • Encourage soloists to sing or say their name with the instrument to the group before they play.
  • Take turns passing the instrument back and forth and saying “your turn” after solos, with no ‘passing music’ in between.