Music Therapy
About Music Therapy

Change the world by being yourself.

Music Therapy


Musical Activities for Early Childhood Inclusion


  • Following directions
  • Leadership
  • Coordination
  • Listening skills


  • 1 hand drum or drum with mallet


  • The children stand in a circle formation where a drum is placed in the center where the
    teacher is.
  • The teacher explains to the children that they will be walking in a circle taking slow steps while the teacher starts banging on the drum slowly, “Walking” steps when you play a moderate beat, and “running” steps when you play fast. Whenever the teacher stops playing the group has to freeze like statues until the teacher starts playing again.
  • Once the children are familiar with the game, they can take turns playing the drum and
    leading the activity.


  • Using animal picture cards, the teacher cues the kids to move around in a circle like the
    animals chosen

    • elephant – pound drum with fist
    • mouse – ‘scurry’ fingertips on the drum
    • rabbit – make fingers “hop” on the drum
    • horse – put a galloping rhythm on the drum
    • snake – glide hand on the drum
    • cat – use soft, slow taps


  • Choose a child to be the drum leader to choose an animal and be the drum leader.
    Play “guess the animal” by having the children sit in a circle as the drum leader play in a
    specific way and the group must guess which animal footsteps the leader is playing (provide
    animal flashcards as needed).